Wednesday, June 23, 2004

10 page limit in Meeting workspace

Not any more.

This one held me up for an afternoon...

Anyone else who has tried to get around the 10 page limit in meeting workspaces will probably have spent a bit of time going through the XML config files, and I had pretty much given up after 2 hours...

Then, the first real sign of desperation set in. I considered using FrontPage.

No, really.

Obviously I continued searching the 60 directory, even binary searching the dlls to see if I could even find where the limit was set. But eventually I fired up FP2003 and very quickly found I could copy and paste existing .aspx files in the /pages directory until there were 13 files.

Then reloaded my site, and 14 tabs appeared. And they worked. And I could use all the existing page management tools in the web interface. Fantastic.

So why does the limit exist? Possibly a performance factor, perhaps a UI consideration. SharePoint seems perfectly happy for now...

To be fair to the FrontPage 2003 team, FP2003 is a great product, but old memories die hard. ;-) Check out their blog at


Anonymous Anonymous said...

This helped me. Same issue. I fwded a link to your blog to our support group so that they can take it from there. thank you.

4:56 pm  

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